Sourdough Discard Naan

Simple naan that goes really well with hummus – made with sourdough discard and does not have require much proofing time. Original recipe found here.


Serve 6 pieces

Naan Dough
Plain Flour160 g
Salt1 tsp
Baking Soda1/2 tsp
Sourdough Starter Discard320 g
Melted Butter40 mL
Naan Seasoning
Ground Cumin1 tsp
Garlic Powder1 tsp
Ground Coriander Seeds1/2 tsp


  1. In a bowl, mix plain flour with salt, baking soda, and seasoning.
  2. Then, tip in the sourdough starter and melted butter/vegetable oil.
  3. You can use a mix of white and wholemeal flour for extra fibres, omit the seasoning or opt for other spices
  4. Work the ingredients inside the bowl until they come together into a rough dough. The dough should be very soft but not so wet that it doesn’t detach from the sides of the bowl (1).
  5. Let it rest for 5-10 minutes covered with a tea towel in the bowl, and then transfer it onto a flat surface, lightly dusted with flour.
  6. Knead the dough for 5-10 minutes until it’s smooth and pliable.
  7. Now, divide the naan dough into as many pieces as the number of servings — 6 pieces for the default ingredients, each weighing about 80g.
  8. For each piece, tuck the sides of the dough under and roll the dough under your palm over a flat surface to shape it into a tight, smooth ball. Place the dough balls onto a lightly floured sheet of baking paper and brush them with little vegetable oil.
  9. Then, cover them with cling film or tea towel and let them rest at room temperature for 15-20 minutes; they’ll be easier to stretch into flatbread in the next step.
  10. Take one dough ball, dust a flat surface with a little flour, and use a rolling pin to roll out the dough into a teardrop shape. Make sure the flatbread is 3-4mm thick so it will be soft and fluffy.
  11. Repeat for the other dough balls and keep the shaped naans covered so they won’t dry out.
  12. You can use either a non-stick frying pan or a cast-iron skillet for cooking the naan. Because the cast-iron skillet becomes hotter than the frying pan, the flatbread will cook faster, get puffier and more charred.
  13. Lightly grease the pan with melted butter and heat it over medium-high heat (hob level 8).
  14. When the skillet is hot, lay in the naan bread and cook it for about 2-3 minutes.
  15. When the surface of the sourdough flatbread is nicely bubbly and the bottom is charred in patches, flip the naan and cook on the other side for another 1-2 minutes or until cooked through.
  16. Brush the naans with a little oil while still warm and garnish them with cumin seeds, chopped fresh garlic and coriander. For extra flavour, you can mix the oil with these herbs and seasonings in a small cup and warm it in the oven or microwave to let the flavours infuse; then brush the seasoned oil over the warm naan and serve.

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